In 1900 there were 100,000 cheetahs in the world. By 2006, due to loss of habitat and prey, the number of cheetahs has declined to just 12,000. That's why I founded, which is dedicated to educating kids and their families about endangered species. If you love animals, please bookmark this site. In future posts we will take you along on our personal journey to Save the Animals through our DVD series.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Cat and the Deer

My sister took this photo of a cat and a deer. This is what happens when you live next to nature.

What kind of animals hang out in your backyard?


Blogger Vallypee said...

That's too lovely Paul.Sorry I haven't been by lately, but glad to see you keep on posting!

3:16 PM

Blogger Anne-Marie said...

We have raccoons, skunks, squirrels, foxes, beavers just a few streets away by the river, and the occasional coyote. This is inside the city of Toronto.

7:55 PM


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