In 1900 there were 100,000 cheetahs in the world. By 2006, due to loss of habitat and prey, the number of cheetahs has declined to just 12,000. That's why I founded, which is dedicated to educating kids and their families about endangered species. If you love animals, please bookmark this site. In future posts we will take you along on our personal journey to Save the Animals through our DVD series.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Colony Collapse Disorder

Since 1971, over half of the bees have vanished from North America. This troubling phenomana is called Colony Collapse Disorder and its effects could be devistating to agriculture in the United States and Canada.

Learn more at:


Or watch this video:

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day!!!

Happy Earth Day! Here's a link to a terrific Earth Day video that was made by kids on