In 1900 there were 100,000 cheetahs in the world. By 2006, due to loss of habitat and prey, the number of cheetahs has declined to just 12,000. That's why I founded, which is dedicated to educating kids and their families about endangered species. If you love animals, please bookmark this site. In future posts we will take you along on our personal journey to Save the Animals through our DVD series.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

In our quest for comfort, power, status and luxury, the average American still seems to be unconcerned that we are rapidly killing the planet through our petroleum driven lifestyles and our over consumption of natural resources. NBC's Today Show featured an interesting interview with Al Gore this morning regarding his new book and film, which are called "An Inconvenient Truth." Take a look at the trailer for this movie at: Global warming is real and Katrina was a warning to us all that we need to change our lifestyles and start using alternative and renewable sources of energy before it's too late. On our current course, rising oceans and violent storms will displace millions of people. This will lead to suffering and outbreaks of diseases like we have never seen in the history of mankind. As Oprah likes to say, "When you know better, you do better." It's time for the world to wake up and "do better" starting today.

Visit and join the viritual march to stop global warming.


Blogger Vallypee said...

Oh my goodness, hear, hear, Paul. That is so true! One of the things I love about living in Holland is that we use our bikes for getting around so much. I wish more countries were bike-friendly!

thanks for the post

2:04 PM

Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Great post, Paul. I wish people would heed the many warnings and change their ways.


3:12 PM

Blogger Vallypee said...

Hope all's well with your Paul...?

2:16 PM


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