In 1900 there were 100,000 cheetahs in the world. By 2006, due to loss of habitat and prey, the number of cheetahs has declined to just 12,000. That's why I founded, which is dedicated to educating kids and their families about endangered species. If you love animals, please bookmark this site. In future posts we will take you along on our personal journey to Save the Animals through our DVD series.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Cheetah Conservation Fund

This weekend we had the honor of filming an educational video with Dr. Laurie Marker, who is the Founder and Executive Director of the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia, and Teresa Delaney, who is the Run for the Cheetah National Chairperson and is on the USA Board of Trustees for CCF. After viewing our "'s African Safari" DVD, Teresa was so impressed that she asked us to produce a DVD to help the Cheetah Conservation Fund. Dylan and Melissa Garrett, who appear in the photo above with Dr. Marker, were crew members for this shoot. They are also safari guides on our African Safari DVD. These kids are already working to help their generation understand that animals, such as the cheetah, are going to vanish from the planet in their lifetime without their help.

The photo on the right is of Dr. Marker and Chewbacca in Namibia, Africa. Chewbacca was hand raised as an orphaned cub at CCF, because cheetahs are taught how to hunt by their mothers and cannot survive in the wild without hunting skills. Chewbacca is now an ambassador cheetah, who meets local people and shows them that cheetahs do not have to be feared and killed. Once this connection is made, farmers learn to respect and value the cheetah.

In the year 2000, Dr. Laurie Marker was named one of TIME MAGAZINE'S Heroes For The Planet. I urge you to visit to see what you can do to support the excellent work that is being done at CCF. In addition to giving money to CCF from our Safari DVD, we are also donating our production services to produce two videos to help The Cheetah Conservation Fund to educate people and to raise money that will support their mission to "see a world in which the cheetah lives and flourishes in co-existence with people and the environment."

(The bottom two photos were provided by CCF)


Blogger Vallypee said...

Again, you have given us insight into another very important endangered animal, Paul. Dr Marker must be an exceptional woman - and by the way, what a wonderful smile! She must lead a very fulfilling life to exude suxh warmth and attractiveness. I'll be sure to check out the Chhetah site.
Thanks again.

12:29 PM

Blogger Anne-Marie said...

What a remarkable woman Dr. Marker is. Thanks for sharing all of this information with us.


5:29 PM

Blogger Vallypee said...

Hope all's well with you, Paul??

1:55 PM

Blogger imp said...

it's heartwarming to know that we've people who are doing so much for the wildlife.

3:57 AM


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